When it comes to microdosing the more that you put into it, the more that you will get out of it, BUT, how you go about it will have a huge impact on the outcome and results.
Most people approach microdosing by doing a bit of research and then essentially winging it on their own. This is analogous to sailing a ship without a rudder. You will probably arrive somewhere but may get lost along the way and not fully benefit from the journey.
The essence of Blue Luna is based on a custom program designed to fit your personal objectives that address specific issues you want to work on in your life while having the support of an experienced guide.
The Blue Luna Program has 3 key elements:
A protocol is the strategy that lays out the best practices around microdosing. Our unique protocol includes:
- A combination of highly effective and complimentary plant medicines
- Dosages and scheduling designed to optimize the experience
- Recommendations for purchasing high quality and all natural substances
- Behavior and life-style modifications to create long-term results
Without an experienced guide, It may be easy to get lost and lose motivation with microdosing. Our guides will insure that you get the most out of your experience by:
- Fostering a culture of accountability to enhance clarity and direction throughout the process
- Facilitating healing techniques to break old patterns and to tap into the power of your inner wisdom
- Providing deep insight based on vast experience with plant medicines and microdosing
- Supplying the inspiration and encouragement needed to assist you in realizing the potential that microdosing has to offer
Having the right tools is essential for keeping all parts of a comprehensive microdosing program organized and focused. Our online platform provides:
- Resources to provide access to the important information you need without overwhelming you
- Convenient access to your personal portal to house the details of your customized program
- An online journal designed specifically for the key areas of focus for microdosing
- Tools to effectively manage the sessions with your guide